Micro Focus Desktop Containers 12.1 Released! Turbo updated!

Micro Focus Desktop Containers and Turbo have both been recently updated, writes Jason Blackett.  They include several cool new features that are worth checking out:

  • New and improved template wizard. The new template wizard in both MFDC and Turbo leverage the Turbo.net hub. This means more frequent updates, and if you are Turbo user, it means you can build any of the applications in the repository straight from Turbo Studio.
  • Studio initiated clean container packaging. The new version of both MFDC and Turbo Studio allow you to use clean container packaging to more easily repackage applications into containers. With this new capability, a virtual empty windows installation is used to package the application so that in most cases you don’t need to maintain a separate Windows VM for packaging.
  • Simplified network security. Turbo Studio now allows you to manage security restrictions, instead of requiring the CLI to do so.
  • On-premise Hub. Turbo customers can now install a local on-premise version of the hub server. This allows you to deliver all of the value of the Turbo.net hub directly from your site, rather than requiring access to the cloud based hub. This also facilitates follow me settings for applications being launched from the Turbo CLI or Turbo plug-in.
  • Portable Applications. Turbo customers now have the option to package the Turbo plugin directly into the containerised application, resulting in an EXE file that can be used to launch the application from anywhere while allowing for capabilities such as automatic registration, automatic updating and follow-me settings. This capability requires the deployment of the on-premise hub or end-user access to the cloud based Turbo.net hub.


This article was first published in OHM Issue 37 (2017/2), p19.


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